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Showing posts from August, 2010

Burn It All, Travel the World

I read an article called  But Will It Make You Happy? , a few days ago that really caught (and kept) my attention. Basically it's about an average couple (Tammy and Logan) who shared a two bedroom house, two vehicles, and the normal household amenities. Even with all the "stuff" they had accumulated over the years and their good paying jobs, they weren't satisfied in their lives. So one day the couple decided to live by the "100 Things Challenge" and any excess "stuff" left over after the chosen hundred was either donated or sold. Read more about their journey to simplicity on Tammy Strobel's blog  Rowdy Kittens . (I really enjoyed her post on a new way to use baking soda). They had a combined debt of $30,000 but after selling most of their stuff, their two cars, and home, they were able to pay it all off. Not only are they now debt free, but are living in an adorable studio apartment in the eco-friendly city of Portland, Oregon, comfortably...

My Name is Leah, and I Sat Alone At the Lunch Table

Pianist, Ludovico Einaudi has captured my heart. His nonverbal melodies have spoken to me louder than any poet, self-help guide, or spiritual leader has preached. Einaudi's music has been on repeat in my itunes for days, and I cannot get enough-- specifically his piece called "I Giorni". I've been fortunate enough to have three days away from work, aside from a brief meeting on Monday. During my extended weekend, I explored more into my sense of "self". Friday night after work, and an even longer work-week, I was a scattered mess, feeling a little misunderstood and unbalanced. I put on Einaudi and simply listened. I felt what it was like again, for the first time in a long time, to have a quiet mind. Given, before hitting play on his album, I jumbled together my brutally raw emotions and put them in a long (okay, 7 paragraphs) email to my mom in Costa Rica. I typed each word without looking back; cried, laughed, and cried again, I wrote. After, I felt refres...