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What Do You Want To Be?

I've watched and read in books or movies where someone doesn't like a certain part of their personality or something in their life, wakes up one morning and says, "I don't like this, I'm not going to do it anymore."
The story line goes on to say how their views have changed overnight and they're no longer the way that they once were. It's a huge deal because they've changed so dramatically.

For example, someone doesn't like their eating habits, therefore they tell themselves, "I'm going to eat healthier and workout 6 days a week." Overnight they turn into Jillian Michaels from 'The Biggest Loser,' and are participating in triathlons twice a week.

Realistically, this does not happen. I personally have had multiple epiphanies in my life where I feel as if my whole world is going to change and I feel like I've finally found my niche (after all, I've changed my college major three times). I do believe that whatever you can dream, you can achieve; but this takes time and the power of thought. It's difficult living in a society where we feel obligated to find one thing we're good at, whether it be art, fashion, exercising, literature, or the like. You can be absolutely whatever you want to be- truly. However, it doesn't happen overnight.

I came across a quote recently and posted it to my facebook wall, "You don't need to accumulate knowledge to become wise; anyone can become wise. When you become wise, you respect your body, you respect your mind, and you respect your soul. When you become wise, your life is controlled by your heart, not your head." The feedback I received was beautiful.

It's totally okay to be more than one thing; or nothing at all. I'm definitely one of those people. I'm indecisive and often extremely  scatter brained. One thing I am, is kind to my soul and my heart. We're all on a journey through life that could be unbelievably enjoyable if we just let it be (something I have to remind myself every once in a while). Like I've said previously, we as humans are masters of complicating things. Throw away the thinking that we have to be good at something and just be good at living life. Having a hobby or a passion is absolutely wonderful, and one can thrive through their work. But, one thing is for certain; it doesn't take material possessions and popular fads to mold you into the person you want to be.

Alternatively, if you're ever feeling scattered and insignificant, simply change your thoughts. We sometimes forget that we control our thoughts. If someone cuts us off in traffic, do we have to get mad? If we lose a race we really wanted to win, do we have to be sad? You can be whatever you want to be- that's a very powerful thing. In your head you can be the person who's always smiling, the winner, the artist, the fashionista. And more likely than not, whatever you dream you will achieve; just stay positive, driven, and kind to your soul. And don't forget to give thanks.

(Take a few minutes to watch this video).


  1. unfortunately, i am at work and couldn't view the video. however, this post was probably one of the most inspiring you've posted yet. it really hit home a bit with me. Thank you<3.
    I heard over and over and over in my Philosophy class that the most wise person of all is the person who knows he/she doesn't have the most knowledge.


  2. btw. FUCK jillian michaels for having a body like that. hahahaha<3. kidding.

  3. Hahaha Jen, you just made me L O L.

    And like you always do, touched my heart. You're one of a kind.

  4. You're so right! I've been arguing with myself for months about what I want to "be"... My brain is allll over the place, trying to figure out what I'm good at, and what I would like to do for the rest of my life... I've been stressing myself out, moving as quickly as possible to satisfy everyone's expectations for MY life. Like it's mandatory that I have to choose something right now. I JUST WANT TO LIVE! And if I fall in love with something great one day, fine! lol

    But yea. Your post really hit home. You give LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE a whole new meaning. You're awesome. <3


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