“There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.” - George Burton Adams
Driving to work one morning this week, the sunlight was so bright that I could hardly see three feet out of the windshield. The moisture from the night blanketed my car and reflected the almost blinding sun all throughout the interior. I felt my eyes shift to the vehicle in front of me, using it for guidance. I watched its patterns, motion, speed, and I mimicked it. I felt a sudden connection come over me, as I began to realize that the line of traffic ahead of me awaiting to pull onto the highway, all did the same as myself. Each car seemed aligned to the other; relying on each other to get them where they needed to be safely.
Inside of our vehicles we feel isolated, like it's our own personal bubble. The grander picture at this moment was so apparent, it was overwhelming-- Whether we realize it or not, we are all one. We try desperately to stand strong individually, because all of our lives we've been told to do so. In the most unnoticeable moments, and our weakest, we stand strong together; not alone. This is forgotten through rage, jealously, impatience; all of the negative human emotions. At times it almost feels easier to ignore the bliss of connection and alter it with isolation. However, the genuine feeling of togetherness is the most natural and blissful feeling I've ever experienced. We all share the same roads, the same oxygen-- When exhaling into the wind, we spread a piece of ourselves into the universe. When there are times you feel alone, remind yourself that there is a deeper connection than the eye can see. Life's problems can be blinding-- But you're never alone. And if we can accept that, we could possibly bring this life more peace and create a more enjoyable atmosphere around us.
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