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37 of Life’s Most Common Problems via Chris Mccombs

1. Need more money?
Add more value to the world.

2. Bored?
Man, life’s too short to be bored—go do something fun

3. Too many commitments?
Say “no” more often

4. Stressed out?
Meditate, exercise, do that shit you’ve been putting off; don’t take yourself so seriously; stop trying to control things; change what you can and accept what you can’t, remember that most of your problems are actually a good thing and opportunities to learn and grow; and embrace the fact that today—this moment actually—is all there is; everything else is fiction

5. Don’t like the way you look?
Accept yourself as you are—flaws and all—and change what you can change and want to change. Eat better, workout more, get some new clothes and a new haircut and pull your shoulders back so your posture is better.

6. Tired?
Exercise more, eat better, get more sleep, take vacations and don’t work yourself into the fucking ground.

7. Agitated and tense?
Go for a walk

8. Have some big fucking thing growing outta the side of your head?
Go to the doctor

9. Hate your job?
Find that thing that you love doing, that thing that you’d do even if you didn’t get paid for it, and do that.

10. Wanna learn more cool stuff but don’t like to read or don’t have time for it?
Listen to audio books—there’s always time for an audio book

11. Scared of doing something important?
Just go fucking do it already

12. All alone?
Don’t search for love—just go out and meet new people with no expectations and have fun

13. Feel bad about something you did to someone?
Apologize and do what you can to make it right

14. Have a lot of self-doubt?
Good, it probably means you’re onto something big; go forward.

15. Don’t like where you live?

16. Don’t know how to do something?
Either Google it, go ask someone who knows how to do it, read a book on the subject, take a class on it, or all of the above.

17. Someone offended you?
Don’t take it personal. Remember, nothing is personal. Don’t give away your power and right to be happy to someone else.

18. Worried about what people think about you?
Take comfort in the fact that they aren’t thinking about you at all; they’re thinking about themselves and most likely what others think about them.

19. Addicted to drugs or alcohol?
Go get help at AA or NA. And if you can’t physically stop on your own, check yourself into a detox.

20. Wanna have more connection to your Creator but don’t jive with the whole religious thing?
Don’t concern yourself with what others (including me) say on the subject of God if what they’re saying doesn’t feel right to you. When it comes the whole God thing, no one really fucking knows. Just start talking to whatever you feel created you and ask it to reveal itself to you, even if you have no idea what the fuck it is.

21. Have anger problems?
Understand that anger is just a way to try to control fear. Give up the illusion of control, mediate and train your ass off—and make sure you break a sweat every day.

22. Always running into assholes?
Start being cooler to people and remember the people around you are just a reflection of you.

23. People in your life are bringing you down?
Take more responsibility for your life. You’re the only one responsible for your own happiness and success or misery and failure.

24. There’s something big in front of you that you want to (or need to) do and you don’t know where to start?
Start somewhere, anywhere. Just start. There’s something about the momentum of starting that seems to put the next necessary actions in front of you. But first ya gotta start. It really doesn’t matter where. Don’t wait for the time to be right, or for things to be perfect to get started; these are just avoidance techniques. Perfectionism is a bullet to the heart of success.

25. Don’t wanna workout today?
Easy. Just tell yourself you’re gonna go a do a quick and easy workout. I’ve been using that little lie for years. Once you start your quick and easy workout, 19 times out of 20 within 10 minutes you’ll be into it and willing to go the distance.

26. Don’t trust people?
Be more honest.

27. Don’t have good friends?
Go be a better friend.

28. Complain a lot?
Stop it. Watch for those toxic noises you’re making like a cat watching a mouse hole, and when you find yourself complaining, mentally call yourself out, immediately drop it, and seek a solution. Complaining only makes things worse and never helps to solve anything.

29. Putting something off?
Do it. You’ll feel so much better after you do

30. Don’t think you can reach your goals?
Make up your mind that nothing is gonna stop you. It’s all within you… and it’s all UP TO YOU. Your success or failure has nothing to do with anyone else, any outside circumstances or anything that is not YOU. Just keep moving forward.

31. Your goals don’t get you pumped?
Either your reason “why” isn’t big enough, your goals aren’t congruent with your values, or you’re trying to attain goals for extrinsic reasons instead of intrinsic ones, like making money for the sake of making money instead of doing work you love.

32. Have a lot of muscle aches and pains?
Get soft tissue work done, like deep tissue massage and ART (Active Release Technique) and do more active stretching.

33. Someone irritates the shit outta you?
Whatever it is about them that irritates you is probably something about yourself you need to address. It’s all a reflection. The two popular sayings about this hold true, “Ever time you point the finger at someone you’ve got three fingers pointing back at you” and “If you spot it, you’ve got it.”

34. Not happy?
Help more people, exercise more, meditate more, eat better foods, get more sleep, find and do work you love, surround yourself with awesome people, strengthen your spiritual path, be grateful for everything you have, and accept things as they are—including accepting that you’re a human with a full range of emotions and sometimes you’re gonna feel like shit.

35. Whacked out of your mind miserable or chronically depressed?
Get professional help

36. Walking around with a bunch of resentment?
Look at your part in the situation and do what you can to amend it. And do this: pray—to whatever you pray to–that the person or people you resent have all the love, peace, happiness, good health and abundance that you want for yourself and your family. It’s an inside job. This may do nothing for them—and it probably won’t— but over time your resentment toward them will diminish. Resentment only fucks you up—it doesn’t do anything to them. Get straight with yourself on the matter.

37. Want life to be even more awesome than it already is but don’t know how?
Simple. Read ChrisMcCombs.Net more. Just subscribe here and I’ll be sure to send you the new posts as I write ‘em.

>>> Chris Mccombs


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